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Class 6

Welcome to Class 6 

In Class 6 we aim to work and play together to make our last year at All Saints a very special, successful and happy one! 

Our class is lively and busy, and we try to help each other to be the very best that we can be. We do this by supporting each other and celebrating our successes together. We are a class community who work together to be the best versions of ourselves.

In Class 6 we get lots of extra responsibilities; we run the library and the school council, look after our buddies and do lots of organising for school events. 

This term, we will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. 

Teacher: Mrs Walmsley (Monday to Wednesday) and Mr Wood (Thursday and Friday)

Teaching Assistants: Ms Coleman, Mrs Hatch and Mrs Brindley 


Please see curriculum overviews to see the topics we cover in Year 6 at All Saints Church School.

Class 6 AutumnTerm Newsletter 2024

Dear Parents and Grown Ups,  

Welcome to Year 6!  

We have been blown away by the maturity and positivity of the children as they returned to school this week. We are so proud to be building our new class community with your wonderful children and we know that this year holds the potential to be a magical year for all of us. 

Throughout the upcoming term, our overarching topic will be WW2 – Run to the shelter. Many of the topics and activities will be linked directly to this unit so we would like to encourage any discussions, home projects or further research on the topic at home.  

Please find below an outline of the topic: 

Run for Shelter – WW2 


Persuasive Speeches, Narratives, Letters, Diaries and Poetry.  


Number and Place Value, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction,  

Fractions, Position and Direction.  


Light – Links to circuits and Morse code.  




Mapping and grid references within the UK and other countries.  


2D drawing to 3D making 


Mechanisms (with appropriate supervision).  


Hinduism – What is the best way for a Hindu to show commitment to God? 

Christianity – Creation and Fall 



Me and my relationships 


Code breaking, Presentations, Hyperlinks, Teams and Multimedia.  


Song writing for war – We'll meet again.  

Dynamics, Pitch and Texture.  


Kwick Cricket, Yoga, WW2 Dance, Netball.  


As you can see, where applicable, we have tried to link our units to the topic as much as possible, whilst ensuring we are still in full preparation for the Year 6 expectations.  

Reading and Homework 

Reading at home is one of the best contributions you can make to your child’s education. Reading fluency is key to accessing the Year 6 expectations. Children have received reading books and reading records for the school and parents to communicate through. The children’s books are matched to their current reading ability, but should you enjoy reading other books with them as well, feel free to record anything else they have read. The expectation for reading at All Saints is 4 times per week at home with reading records being brought in every day and handed in on a Monday.  


In Year 6 weekly spellings/spelling investigations will be sent home every Friday. Spellings will be tested on a Friday. A variety of English and maths homework will be sent home every Wednesday and is due in the following Monday. Although the children do spellings tasks and maths activities in class, extra practise at home is encouraged as much as possible. Please encourage children to use online resources- and Times Table Rock Stars (20 mins per week) to practise their SPaG and maths skills further.  



This term Year 6 will have PE on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please ensure that PE kits are in school throughout term time. If they need to be taken home to wash, please return them as soon as possible- it is vital that children have a PE kit to wear for PE as they do get hot and sweaty!   



We welcome messages on the gate/door in the morning for any reason e.g., if someone other than yourself is picking your child up in the afternoon. If you would like to arrange a time to talk with Mrs Walmsley or Mr Wood, please let us know or contact the office. The children’s safety and happiness are our number one priority. We have an open-door policy at All Saints so please do have a chat before or after school if you do have any concerns. 



Monday 23rd September        Visit from a magistrate 

Tuesday 12th November         Mock Trial trip to Perrott Hill 

Wednesday 4th December     Trip to Nothe Fort 

Date TBC                         Visit from WW2 vehicles 

Date TBC     Visitor talking about their family’s experiences during the war 

Wednesday 21st May to Friday 23rd May          Okehampton residential 

Monday 24th March     SATs and Okehampton information evening 6pm school hall 

WB Monday 12th May     SATs week 



Yours sincerely, 


Mrs Walmsley, Mr Wood, Ms Coleman, Mrs Hatch and Mrs Brindley