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Class 5


Dear Grown-ups and children,

I hope you’ve had a wonderful summer holiday and have managed to have a restful break. With a brilliant year ahead planned, I’m so pleased to see how well the children have settled so far.

Please find below an outline of our topic this term:

SPACE – To infinity and beyond!


In English, we will be looking at a variety of narrative text and non-fiction texts, as well as grammatical structures, understanding of vocabulary and composition of texts

  • Space Survival – A story about being deserted on Mars
  • Curiosity – Explanation based on The Story of Mars Rover
  • Experience Earth – An advert promoting Planet Earth
  • Wild Worlds – Poetry writing based on descriptive language


Maths will focus on many of the core foundations of maths, which the children will then use to solve a range of problems in different contexts.

  • Place value (numbers up to 1 million, negative numbers, rounding, ordering and comparing)
  • Four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
  • Fractions (converting between fractions)


Our lessons in science will focus on:

  • Understanding the Solar system
  • How our solar system was discovered and the different theories
  • The phases of the moon and its orbit
  • Understanding of gravity and other forces
  • The benefit of using mechanisms


History will focus on the main events of space discovery such as the Space race and space tourism


Our lessons in Geography will look at longitude/latitude, time zones and grid references


  • Typography and Maps
  • Making Monotypes


We will be using our learning from mechanisms to help us create a moving model


There will be two main questions that we will be focusing on in RE:

  • What does it mean if God is loving and Holy?
  • Was Jesus the Messiah?


In PSHE, our start focus will be Me and my Relationships, followed by our Valuing Difference Unit.


Computing will focus begin with E-safety, followed on by data handling using the theme of the Mars Rover

  • Identify some of the types of data that the Mars Rover could collect (for example, photos).
  • Explain how the Mars Rover transmits the data back to Earth and the challenges involved in this.
  • Identify input, processing and output on the Mars Rovers.


Our music lessons will focus on musical theatre and the art of performance.


There will be four key areas this term in PE:

  • Leadership
  • Fitness
  • Tag Rugby
  • Dance

As you can see, we have tried to streamline the units so that, where possible, they link to our overarching topic.

A few quick reminders about class 5:

  • PE will be on Tuesday and Friday, however I would advise having PE kits in all week as times can change
  • Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday
  • There will be access to TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed and SPAG.COM to practice key skills at home
  • Children will be expected to read at least 4 times a week and reading logs will be checked on a Monday.

Finally, please remember my door is always open if ever you have any concerns or questions.

Looking forward to a fun and enjoyable year working with you,

Best wishes


Adam Cashmore