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Class 3



Dear Parents, Carers, and Children;

I hope you have enjoyed your summer holiday and have managed to have a restful break. We so looking forward to working with Class 3 this year- there is so much exciting content to experience in Year 3!

Please find below an outline of our topic, and how the curriculum areas fit together.

Topic: Stones and Bones



Block 1- Place Value

Exploring place value in 3-digit numbers


Block 2- Addition and Subtraction

Exploring and utilising column methods


Block 3- Multiplication and Division

Learning and practising the multiplication tables 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x,




Class 3 will be exploring a range of genres and the associated spelling, punctuation and grammar rules. Most learning will be based around these hook texts;


Narrative: Pebble: a story of belonging


Biography: Mary Anning,

 The girl and the dinosaur

Narrative:  Wild girl


Poetry: Fossil poems




Rocks and Soils

Compare and group together different kinds of rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties.

Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock.

Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.

Make paints with different plant materials and use different binders – link to cave painting


Living Things

Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.

Identify that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement


Children will explore life in the Stone Age through to the Iron Age (after half term).

What are cave paintings?

What were homes like during the Stone Age?

What is Skara Brae?

What did Stone Age people eat?

What tools did people have during the Stone Age?


Use fieldwork to observe and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technology


Children will learn what ballads are, how to identify their features and how to convey different emotions when performing them. Using an animation as inspiration, children carefully select vocabulary to describe the story, before turning them into lyrics by incorporating rhyming words and following the structure of a traditional ballad.




Introduction to the concept of networks, learning how devices communicate. Identifying components, learning how information is shared and exploring examples of real-world networks.

Computing systems and networks 2: Emailing

Children will be learning how to send emails with attachments and how to be a responsible digital citizen by thinking about the contents of what is sent.


Children will learn about how to begin to cook foods (using appropriate equipment and supervision). They will also consider food hygiene and kitchen safety when preparing food (age appropriately with supervision).

The children will focus designing and making a healthy dish (couscous).  More info to come!



Learning will focus on two key questions;

How does Diwali bring a sense of belonging for some Hindus?


Offer suggestions about what texts about baptism and Trinity might mean. Give examples of what these texts mean to some Christians today.

Describe how Christians show their beliefs about God the Trinity in worship (in baptism and prayer, for example) and in the way they live.

Make links between some Bible texts studied and the idea of God in Christianity, expressing clearly some ideas of their own about what the God of Christianity is like.


Me and my Relationships

Topics we will cover:

Why do we have rules?

Who are my special people?

Resolving conflicts

How do I treat my friends

Listening to other’s points of view

What is a dare and what do I do if I am dared to do something?


Autumn 1 – Gestural drawing with charcoal.

In this pathway, children discover how to make drawings that capture a sense of drama or performance using charcoal.


Autumn 2 – Working with shape and colour

In this pathway children use close looking and the “Show Me What You See” technique to explore artwork from a particular artist, movement or era. Children then explore how they can use shape and colour to simplify elements, inspired by the Cut-outs of Henri Matisse.

Using first collage, then simple printmaking methods, pupils play with positive and negative shapes and spaces to create meaningful compositions in response to the original artworks they looked at.



We are introducing French this term. Our first topic will be naming animals in French.


P.E.:This term our PE units will alternate between Quick sticks and Fitness.

Fitness sessions will include balancing with control, focusing on preferred and non-preferred leg (when performing exercises) Complete a variety of fitnes exercises successfully and achieve a personal best Co-ordinate body to perform a combination of movements in a variety of exercises Take pulse before exercise. Understand how your body is getting stronger when exercising.

Our Quick stick sessions will include;

Adapted games to focus on accuracy Dribble the ball at various speeds- both in isolation and a game situation Pass and move into a space with accuracy, control and speed (in isolation/game situation) Pass the ball over a variety of distances in attacking or defensive situations Begin to defend as an individual and communicate to defend as a team (marking and tackling) Hit a moving ball into a goal from different angles and sometimes with different levels of power Dribble the ball holding the stick in correct position Adapted games, with variations of rules, begin to apply some basic principles for attacking & defending


Routines in Class 3:

  • PE will be on Monday and Thursday; however please keep PE kits at school throughout the week (kits could come home at weekends for washing if needed)
  • Homework will be set on a Wednesday and due in the following Monday, unless stated the time is longer (such as for creative homework, normally 2-3 weeks)
  • Spelling homework will consist of an investigation or activity instead of a list of words to learn
  • Children will be expected to read and record their reading at least 4 times a week
  • Reading logs will be checked on a Monday


  • Please keep wellies at school if you would like to wear them on wetter or muddier days, as we will go outside no matter the weather
  • Please have a waterproof coat at school throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms
  • If you forget your reading record, still record your dated efforts on loose paper and we will affix it at school

Finally, please always remember our door is open if you have any concerns or questions.

The Class 3 team are looking forward to a fun and exciting year working with your children,

Best wishes

Mrs O’Donnell and Mrs Roberts