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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2

The class 2 staff would like to welcome all the children, parents and carers to Year 2! We hope that you have had a wonderful summer and are looking forward to what will be an exciting and very busy time.  

The staff team in Class 2 are Mrs Smith, who teaches Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Miss Daniel, who teaches on Wednesday. Mrs Saville will cover PPA time on a Tuesday afternoon. We are fortunate to have some amazing teaching assistants with us – Mrs Saville, Mrs Kamal and Mrs Westcott.  

We would be very grateful if children could keep wellies in school as we like to use the outdoor space whenever we can.  PE kits will be needed on Wednesday and Thursday; however, it is useful to have PE kits in school all week. 



Our topic this term is called “Through the Keyhole.” This is a very exciting topic where we look closely at lots of things! We will start by learning about life cycles and hatching our own butterflies as well as looking at life cycles of other animals.We look closely at what keeps us, as humans, healthy and fit. We will design and make fruit cocktails and learn about healthy food. This leads on to looking through the keyhole at what has happened in the past. What is old? We will visit Montacute house and look through lots of old keyholes there! How did people used to live and how have things changed?

In our DT we will be making our own samplers and sewing (this is a lot of fun!) and we will have lots of STEAM challenges to complete where the children will have design challenges to solve, create and evaluate independently.

Our PE this term will be focused on rugby basics, ball skills and teamwork and gymnastics. In music we will focus on the elements of music and instruments of the orchestra before beginning our Christmas play!

We will be very busy this term and would be grateful for any opportunity you could take to support us in our work. Perhaps you might like to make fruit juices, spend time looking at the harvest or just asking friends and relations how things have changed since they were young?

Your child will have a reading book sent home daily, linked to their phonic level. As last year, these will be read three times whilst your child is on the Read, Write Inc. Scheme, but please send books into school daily. 

We would appreciate it if you could support your child with their reading and enjoy sharing the books with them, recording it in their reading record. 

Also, on a Friday, a purple homework book will be sent home. This will explain any homework your child has for the week, along with any spelling patterns. Please could these books be returned by the Wednesday of the following week? Thank you. We appreciate all your support in this.

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Year 2 – this a very fun year where your child will develop in their learning and their independence. We are keen to get to know you all as families and would like to remind you that we have an open-door policy. If you have any questions – please do catch us for a chat at the end of the day and you are more than welcome to pop in and see something if your child is keen to share.


With best wishes

Mrs Smith and Miss Daniel