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Class 1


Class 1 Curriculum & Information Letter

September 2024

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are very excited to welcome your child back to school and are pleased to report that they have all settled in brilliantly! This year Miss White will be teaching your child, with Mrs Saville teaching on a Wednesday afternoon. We are supported by Mrs Westcott in the mornings and Ms Harrup in the afternoons.

Our topic for this term is ‘Grand Designs’. Through this topic, we will learn skills in most subject areas including English and most foundation subjects. We learn Maths, PE, RE, PSHE, and Phonics through stand apart curriculums, woven into our topics carefully to enable children to apply their learning to wider contexts. This term, children will approach foundation subjects through continuous provision in the afternoons.

In English we will be learning to write sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces through story writing, describing characters, writing lists, captions and instructions as well as poems. We will be learning the story of the Three Little Pigs through recital and performance with story sequencing and short burst writing tasks for the first few weeks. We will be moving on to write the original and then our own version of the story, applying what we have learnt about Year 1 writing skills. Our phonics learning will continue through Read, Write Inc and the children will be encouraged to apply their phonics knowledge in their reading and writing across the curriculum.

In Maths, the children will begin by revisiting numbers within 10 and deepening their understanding of place value, before moving on to addition and subtraction. We will also be exploring 2D and 3D shapes this term.

Through our topic, the children will have the opportunity to be scientists, historians, geographers and artists. The children will be learning about what an engineer is and does as well as conducting experiments to develop their understanding of materials and their properties. In history, the children will be comparing events and artefacts from then and now, looking specifically at household items from the Victorian times. In geography, the children will be exploring our local area and developing their ability to read simple maps. We will be exploring the value of ‘Respect’ through our RE and PSHE sessions.

Class 1 Routines

 PE will take place on Monday and Wednesday, weekly. This term the children will be learning all about ball skills and developing their core strength and balance through yoga. Please ensure that NAMED PE kits are in school on these days.

We will take our learning outside no matter the weather, so please could children have a NAMED coat and wellies in school at all times.



Expectations & Rewards

In Class 1, we ask for children to read at home at least four times a week, recorded in their reading record (yellow diary). A house point is rewarded for this effort!

When children have earned the required number of housepoints, they may collect the various housepoint badges for being ‘Ready, Respectful, and Safe’ at school. For smaller celebrations, children might earn stickers.

Homework will be set in the next few weeks. It will be sent out on a Friday and books are due back the following Wednesday. At this time in the year homework will be set to creative or sharing based tasks, to support children with the transition into Key Stage 1. Children earn a housepoint for returning homework on the correct day (Wednesdays).

To make the best possible progress in reading, we ask that children read to adults in their home at least four times a week, and we will suggest ideas for your child to do at home to reinforce phonics and maths concepts where needed. A little later in the term, a ‘creative homework’ task will also be set for your children to complete with you over a period of six weeks linked to our topic which they will then present to their class and put on display around the school.

We are very excited to be a part of your child’s next step in their learning journey. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact either of us.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss White and the Class 1 Team