Meet the Staff
Senior Leadership Team
- Mr Adam Cashmore
Class 5, Deputy Safeguarding Lead, PE , MFL - Miss Bethany White
Class 1, Computing, PSHE - Mrs Lucy Roberts
0.4 Class 3 and Music - Mrs Alison Holt
Class 4, English - Mrs Abi O’Donnell
0.6 Class 3, Art and Design and Technology - Mrs Gemma Sullivan
1.0 Acorn Class - Miss Heidi Daniel
0.2, Class 2 Geography and Forest School - Mrs Jo Fear
0.4 SENDCo - Mrs Kirstie McKenzie
0.2 Class 4 - Mrs Josephine Walmsley
- 0.6 Class 6 History
Teaching Assistants
- Mrs Claire Brindley
- Mrs Joanne Butcher
- Mrs Ali Hatch
- Mrs Amelia Harrup
- Mrs Ruth Coleman
- Mrs Yuan Game
- Mrs Kate Kamal
- Mrs Louise Saville
- Miss Tegan Soper
- Mrs Antoinette Westcott
- Business Manager: Mrs Julie Adams
- Admin Manager: Mrs Karen Sharp
- Admin Assistant: Mrs Samantha Williams
Lunchtime Supervisors
- Mrs Lynn Brook
- Mrs Claire Brindley
- Mrs Joanne Butcher
- Mrs Nicola Carter
- Mrs Amelia Harrup
- Mrs Ali Hatch
- Mrs Yuan Game
- Mrs Lisa Harding
- Mrs Kate Kamal
- Miss Tegan Soper
- Mrs Antoinette Westcott
Wrap Around Staff
Breakfast club
- Mrs Lynn Brook
- Mrs Lisa Harding
After School club
- Ms Louise Parsons
- Ms Frances Cottrell
Caretaking Staff
- Mrs Lynn Brook
- Mrs Lisa Harding
- Mr Bradley Drayton
Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.” Mark 9:23