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Class 4


Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome to Year 4! We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are feeling ready for the new academic year.  

We are really looking forward to working with you and your children and have many exciting topics to cover this year. 

We will start the year with our first topic called ‘Shine’.  This topic was inspired by the wonderful book by Jill Paton Walsh called The Green Book. 

“Pattie and her family are among the last refugees to flee a dying Earth in an old spaceship. And when the group finally lands on the distant planet which is to be their new home, it seems that the four-year journey has been success. But as they begin to settle this shining world, they discover that the colony is in serious jeopardy. With supplies dwindling, Pattie and her sister decide to take the one chance that might make life possible on Shine.” 

Through this topic we will be encouraging the children to think about the effects of climate change on the environment and the theme of the book will run through many of our subjects. 

In English we will use this book to inspire narrative writing-based on journeys and settings.  The children will also write persuasive letters linked to environmental issues.  

Our Maths lessons will follow the White Rose Scheme. Please see below: 

In Year 4, there is a big focus on times tables, and we will need to prepare the children for a formal assessment in the summer term. More information will follow regarding how to support your children at home. We will be encouraging the use of TT Rockstars at home and at school to improve the children’s speed of recall.  

In science we will be learning about the digestive system and human and animal teeth. After half term, we will explore electricity and circuits. Our DT will support this unit as the children will be applying the principles of a healthy and varied diet, whilst learning to grate, chop and peel. We will be using some seasonal produce to design and create some simple dishes.   


Our focus for RE this term is Judaism and children will consider and discuss the question: 

How special is the relationship Jews have with God?  


Our History and Geography will focus on settlers and settlements. This will start with the reasons for choosing a suitable settlement as well as map skills. From here, we will look at the Anglo-Saxons and what life was like in the ‘Dark Ages’.  

Art will begin by looking at illustrators and how to illustrate our own stories. After half term, we will move on to looking at exploring patterns.  

We will have PE on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Our focus this half term will be netball and fitness. Unless it rains, netball lessons will take place outside, so please ensure your children have suitable kit.    

During Computing the children will learn how to create and share documents with a range of collaborative tools.  

In PSHE, the children will look at relationships and emotional regulation.  Through class discussions, we will think about how we make friends and positive relationships with people.  

French will be taught by Mrs McKensie on Tuesday afternoons. She will be developing knowledge of French phonics. The children will be looking at how to have conversations about themselves and their families.  

As you can see – we will be very busy this term and would be grateful for any opportunity you could take to support us in our work.  


READING - Your child will have a reading book sent home daily. We would appreciate it if you could support your child with their reading and enjoy sharing the books with them recording it in their reading record. The children are expected to read at least 4 times a week which should be at least several pages.  

HOMEWORK – A purple homework book will be sent home every Friday. This will explain any homework your child has for the week.  Please could these books be returned by the Wednesday of the following week.  

TTRock Stars/Spelling Shed – Please continue to support your child with additional learning of their times tables and spellings through these fantastic sites at home. 

PE kits – Although PE usually takes place on a Monday and Wednesday, it would be preferable for your child to have their kits in all week. 

Thank you. We appreciate all your support in this. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns, however small - our door is always open. 

Best wishes, 


Mrs Holt and Mrs McKenzie