School Meals
Hot school meals are available for all children at our school. Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) are free to all pupils up to the age of 7 (Acorn Class, Class 1 and Class 2) since September 2014. There is a free school meal entitlement, families on Income Support should continue to register this with the school office. Both the UIFSM and free school meal entitlement take the form of a hot lunch. Pupils in Key Stage 2 can purchase a hot meal from the menu, which is the same menu for UIFSM provision.
Facilities for eating packed lunches are still available. Parents are asked not to include sweets or chocolate bars in the children’s lunch boxes. Children are allowed to and encouraged to bring a soft drink in a refillable drinks bottle, as this allows the opportunity to be used during lesson times throughout the day, as well as at lunch time. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles please. Water is provided at lunchtimes.