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At All Saints Church School our vision is to nurture the potential of each child as a budding artist. We aim to inspire the minds of our children through providing them with opportunities to be creative and explore their imagination through visual and tactile forms. We encourage determination and resilience through peer and self-assessment and opportunities to adapt and improve work.

We aim to provide an art and design curriculum which enables pupils to be creative and inspired about their own art and the art they see around them. This enjoyment of art and the love of making and creating we hope will last beyond their time at All Saints. Through carefully planned activities and experiences our children will learn to create their own art, learn about famous and local artists and become critics of their own and others work.

Through the teaching of art and design, we aim to give the children a wide range of experiences.  We ensure that all children have experience of drawing, painting, printing, textiles, sculpture and collage and ensure they are exposed to a wide range of artists.  The children have chance to develop their skills within each media and also have chance to be expressive and creative.  

With the help of the art ambassadors, we disseminate and celebrate our collective and artistic creations and actively pursue opportunities for whole school artistic engagement and celebration.

EYFS – the all-encompassing aim of art within EYFS at this school is to take an innate spark of artistic interest and build it into a flame of artistic appreciation and achievement. 

In order to achieve this, we provide an open-ended, playful exploration of materials, processes and ideas, which in turn nurture dexterity skills, promote an early understanding of visual appreciation and creative skill development, and begin to build the child’s confidence in their ability to make a personal, creative response to a stimuli. 

EXTRA-CURRICULAR - To enhance our art curriculum, we provide a range of extra-curricular experiences and opportunities for our children. Art clubs run regularly for those who wish to participate and we open up art competitions to our whole community.

We enhance our art and design learning with trips and visitors to school at every opportunity.  

Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”   Mark 9:23