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The Early Years Foundation Stage Class here at All Saints is called ‘Acorn Class’.   In all parts of our Early Years provision, we promote that every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.  

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.  This is a  play-based curriculum which is tailored for children as individuals. This allows us to develop the children’s love of learning though their interests whilst covering all the skills needed for learning. It is here that we lay the foundations for children to become ready, respectful, and safe learners throughout their lives. 

We are lucky to be part of a caring school community where the EYFS stage is very much part of the whole school. Our children have a year 6 buddy who is there from day one to support them in their transition into school. The children routinely join the rest of the school for collective worship as well as larger school events.  

Areas of Learning  

There are seven areas of learning in the EYFS curriculum; the three prime areas and the four specific areas, which are intended to develop and strengthen learning within the prime areas. At All Saints, we believe that the seven areas of learning all work together to create strong, independent learners who believe they can achieve. 


EYFS Curriculum government guidance 

Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage ( 



Every day our children take part in an adult led Literacy session where we read a range of high-quality texts and complete various activities aimed to develop our children's comprehension and knowledge of story structure. 


 It is vital that children’s confidence and speed with numbers to 10  are developed well. Throughout the year, children explore a range of mathematical topics aimed to develop their numerical knowledge and problem-solving skills. 


Home school partnership 

We have a strong team ethos, where children, parents, carers and all our staff work together in partnership to ensure children reach their full potential as well as feeling cared for, safe and valued as individuals. Monthly newsletters are sent home keeping parents up to date with our learning. Our door is always open, and we encourage parents to talk to us. We all have the child's best interests at heart. 



Tapestry is an online learning journal used in schools around the country. It enables staff to take photographs, videos and make written observations of the learning our children do at school. Parents have access to this information (using an email address and a secure password to log in) so parents can celebrate this learning at home too. Parents can  see what their child is learning in school, but they can also add their own posts to keep school informed of what their child is doing out of school too! We love sharing learning experiences both inside and outside of school, all of which contribute to the progress the children make as they move throughout the Early Years. 


Outdoor Learning 

Our forest area is an amazing resource full of exciting learning opportunities. We value all of our learning environments and make full use of both our fabulous indoor and outdoor areas, whatever the weather. We are fortunate to have the most beautiful countryside surrounding our school and Montacute parkland on our doorstep and take regular welly walks throughout the year.  

Home Learning 

We follow the Read, Write, Inc. phonics scheme and all home reading books are matched directly to the sounds your child is learning in Phonics and are fully decodable so that they can improve their reading fluency. Ideally, children should read with an adult at least three times a week. We also use Oxford Owl  to support children with electronic books to be used alongside a physical book.  



Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe”  Mark 9:23