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House Captains

All Saints House Captains

We are the All Saints House Captains – Welcome to our page!

What are Houses?

We have 4 houses: Apache (Green), Seaking (Blue), Merlin (Yellow) and Lynx (Red).







 At the beginning of a child’s journey at All Saints, they are put into a house team – it's a little like a supportive family that you compete with, week by week, for house points. At the end of each week, the team with the most house points wins the house cup. House points are totalled up throughout the year and the team with the highest number of points, at the end of July, wins the cup for the year!

At the end of the year, All Saints also host Sports Day, which is competed in by the different house teams. The house with the most Sports Day points, wins the Sports Day Cup!

 Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”