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Christian Distinctiveness

Collective Worship

Jesus says, "All things are possible, if you believe."  Mark 9:23

Collective Worship at All Saints Church School is an important part of our day.  As a Church school, our time together as a school community is invaluable when sharing and understanding the views and traditions of the Church.  Our Christian vision and values are embedded throughout all worship. Each half-term we focus on a value, giving time for contemplation.


Each act of worship is slightly different, and children can expect to sing, listen to stories, act out stories, listen to musicians and enjoy an interactive period of learning and reflection. Collective Worship is led by a variety of people here at All Saints. 

Reverend Nick, from St Catherine’s Church, regularly leads whole school worship, as do all our teachers.  Pupils are offered the opportunity to plan and lead class worship using our half termly Christian value as their guide.  On a Friday we hold a ‘Praise and Share’ collective worship where we invite parents to join us.  

                                    Reverend Nick                                          Daniel England


We are also extremely lucky to have Daniel England visit our school once monthly.  He is a visiting pastor from Vine Youth Ministry.  Daniel’s ‘Mini Mix’ collective worships are lively and fun; his guitar playing inspires us all to join in. Daniel’s inspirational story telling helps our children to gain an even greater understanding of the fundamental Christian values.

Open the Book also visit our school monthly to lead collective worship. They provide children with a visual opportunity to hear key Bible stories told by a team of Christians from our local churches. Each drama presentation connects with the imagination of our children and takes around 10–15 minutes. It is a three-year rolling programme with an additional, but optional year of material based on Christian values for schools.

 Jesus says, “All things are possible if you believe.”  Mark 9:23